Saturday, October 30, 2021

MoBeam: Software/Firmware Updates

Software Update

VigoWorks 3.25_2110203

When I opened VigoWorks it asked if I wanted to update to which I said yes.
It simply took me to a download site, it did not directly update the code. I assume this is because VigoWorks is a .exe, not an installed program. After download and extraction, the .exe ran without error. now I have two versions on my desktop. 

  • New version: VigoWorks_v3.25.exe

Firmware Update

The extracted file from the download site also contained a firmware file and tools.
  • New Firmware: Firmware_for_328p_v3.12_20211023
On the Settings tab and under Model there is a checkbox to upgrade firmware.
Checking this box opens a file dialog and allows the selection of a .hex file.
Select the .hex file that was downloaded
There is a ribbon at the top of this dialog that shows upload progress.
Unfortunately for me, this FAILS and I have no idea why??

OTA Update?

I tried updating the firmware via WIFI and IT WORKED. I say that because it no longer asks me if I want it updated and I think I saw some LEDs blinking strangely. BTW it seemed to just update automagically without asking me to select a file. Where did it get the file from? Does VigoWorks only update OTA and do you have to use the flash tools if you are serially connected?

Upload Tools

There is also an upload tool under "Driver_And_FwUploadTools" but I am confident how to use it and do not want to brick my controller.

Using the Upload Tools

Trials of a Poorly Supported Controller

I do not know if I need to upgrade the firmware nor what the new version does. [I wonder if they fixed the Grbl problem and I can now use Lightburn].

I cannot find any support help nor documented release change information regarding the firmware update ..... just an upload site and good luck with that.

This is what happens when your controller is not properly supported and has incomplete documentation


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